When Should You Go To The OBGYN?

Posted on: 14 November 2022

Going to the OBGYN is important in taking care of your female health. Your OBGYN checks a number of things with your health, not just your vaginal health. Your OBGYN ensures you are healthy overall as well. If you aren't going to the OBGYN, you are not taking good care of your health overall, or your sexual health either. Going in for health checkups and a pap smear is important, but there are other reasons why you should go as well. Read on about a few times when you should go to the OBGYN.

1. You're Bleeding Excessively

If you notice that your period has changed in any way, such as you are hemorrhaging, and soaking through pads or tampons very quickly, much more than you typically would, it's time to go to the OBGYN for a checkup. It could be due to a number of reasons, including stress, but you could also be anemic or could have a thyroid concern that needs to be addressed. Tests should be run in order to see what the issue may be, and what treatment options can be put into place.

2. You're Having Pain During Sex

If you are experiencing any pain or issues during sexual intercourse, it could be a number of issues going on. Pain can be caused by a lack of lubrication, you could end up with vaginal tears, or you could have other concerns as well, including vaginal warts or some other STD that is causing you pain. If you have pain during sexual intercourse, you need to cease sexual activities until you have treated the issue to prevent it from worsening.

3. You're Gaining Or Losing Weight

If you are having concerns with gaining or losing weight and it's excessive and noticeable, without you actually trying to lose weight, you need to go to the OBGYN to have some tests run and to get down to the bottom of this concern. Weight loss such as this can be caused by stress, but it can also be caused by a number of other things, including a thyroid problem, or something else.

If you have any of these health concerns, going to the OBGYN is important. You should also be going yearly for a pap smear and be sure you are also getting your yearly mammogram if you have a history of breast cancer in your family, or you are of a certain age. Talk to your OBGYN about other feminine issues you may have or if you have other health concerns.


OBGYN: Protecting the Health of Women, Teens and Girls

My OBGYN operates a full-service practice, which means she treats all females instead of just pregnant women. After giving birth to my second daughter, I decided to remain a patient of the office. Not only do I have my annual checkups and pelvic exams at the office, I bring my two teenaged daughters in for their checkups as well. I do my best to protect my daughters' health. I know that as a woman, it's important that my daughters see a gynecologist for care. If you need guidance or information about OBGYN care, keep reading. My blog provides tips on how to keep you and your daughters healthy and happy. Thanks for stopping by.